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tv   KTVU Fox 2 News at 4pm  FOX  October 22, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT

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>> i have seen it go up about a dollar. why? i don't know. >> reporter: we pay some of the highest prices for gas here in california another governor is calling for an investigation. >> i think it is ridiculous. the oakland raiders lose a legend and one of the best quarterbacks to play the game. from ktvu news, this is the four. dangerous fire conditions returned to the bay area with the red flag warning issued for the next two days. officials at pg&e are deciding whether to turn off power in high fire risk areas once again. welcome to the four. i am heather holmes. parts of 16 different counties are expected to be affected starting tomorrow night. that includes parts of napa, sonoma and san mateo counties here in the bay area's.
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pg&e said these outages could affect as many as 189,000 customers in northern california. the utility opened its emergency operations center this weekend and people heading to the website for information or getting error messages again this morning. officials say the site is back up and running. rob roth joining us from santa rosa where he talks to business owners and the city about some preparations that are being made. >> reporter: nothing has been set in stone about power outages at least not yet. we have been told that the city of santa rosa is planning for blackouts beginning in about 24 hours, late afternoon tomorrow. that could change. meanwhile businesses are preparing such as this restaurant which could go dark for the second time this month. for the owners of betty's fish and chips on sonoma highway, preparing for power shut off is
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a little like groundhog day and they are not happy with pg&e. >> i feel like they are slacking off and they expect us to take the loss. i'm pretty upset. >> reporter: two weeks ago the restaurant closed for three days because of pg&e's public safety power shut off plan. that plan was to reduce the threat of wildfires. the blackout cost the restaurant about $12,000. they are expecting to close midday wednesday and likely all day thursday and that will mean more losses. wednesday is when the food is delivered and refrigeration is out. >> if we take the order tomorrow we take the risk of losing power and losing product. if we don't take the order tomorrow and we don't have the product we need. >> reporter: this woman who lives in a retirement community is expected to be without power. >> i have all my lanterns in the bedrooms and living rooms because i don't like being in the dark. and i just have to live with it.
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>> reporter: she is one of 27,000 customers in sonoma county who could be affected.  the city of saa rosa is making preparations to operate sewer and water utilities with generators but they are concerned about traffic lights. >> we had 39 intersections without power and a significant number of traffic collisions. >> reporter: pg&e is fine- tuning where shutoffs will occur if at all. but far fewer customers will be affected this time and unlike last time it expects the website to work. >> we have been directing everyone who visits the website to the temporary website in anticipation of increased traffic to the website. >> reporter: pg&e is planning a news conference for 5:30 pm in san francisco so we should learn more then. >> in the meantime the waiting continues. thousands of customers in san mateo county are expected to be impacted by the intentional
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shut off. as the wind moves south, pg&e said power could be cut off by tomorrow night. the affected areas are mostly along the coast on the west side of the hill such as half moon bay, woodside and tusk of their own. >> the focus at this point is on the forecast and we are all wondering how strong these winds are going to be. we will have a red flag warning that will take effect soon. >> different start and end times , depends on where you are. we will talk about that. fire danger will be increasing. this does not look as strong as two weeks ago. the offshore winds and if you think about two weeks ago that dried things out, the brush. we are setting things up and starting off with drier conditions. the highlight in the main concern will be for the north bay peaks. we could have gusts up above 50 miles an hour for the highest peaks of the bay area. here is
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your information on the start and end times. this begins at 12 pm tomorrow for the east bay. 3 pm wednesday until 4 pm thursday in the santa cruz mountains, 7 pm wednesday until 4 pm on thursday. essentially the latter half of wednesday into thursday. here's the forecast model. we are fast forwarding into tomorrow morning. this is 8 pm. in the afternoon not too much happening. keep an eye on those brighter colors, those reflect stronger winds. they are starting to develop here. all the wind is coming in out of the north and east. the wind values are not extreme but there is a noticeable uptick as we head toward wednesday night and early thursday morning. that is when the strongest wind event should move in. later in the day thursday we will scale back on some wind speeds. right now you can see it is starting to have relative humidity levels drop off. 13-25%. if you have been outside even
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for a second you know it is warm. 70s, 80s and around 90 degrees. today is not even the hottest day of the week. we will talk more about that coming up in the forecast. a group of pg&e customers and activists are voicing their opposition to the planned bailout of the utility. they held a rally this morning outside the public utilities commission office. protesters say the massive bailout shields pg&e from future wildfire liability. it will create a $21 billion wildfire insurance fund which will be accessible to utilities to pay out damages to victims of utility cause wildfires. another demonstration is planned for this thursday at the state meeting in redding. the governor is urging pg&e to do more to try to limit the scope of the power outages. in a letter to pg&e, the governor said he is offering technical assistance to the
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utility to help with weather forecasting and inspection of powerlines. he also said the state office of emergency services will activate it regional operations in support. the governor also said he strongly urges pg&e to offer customers a rebate or a credit of $100 for residential customers and $250 for businesses as compensation for the previous outages. the governor taking on our state's skyhigh gas prices. he asked the attorney general to investigate the mystery surcharge causing pain at the pump. greg lee has details. >> the numbers in this report are staggering. the governor directed california energy commission to analyze why gas prices are so high. the report found californians paid an additional $11.6 billion for gas over the last five years compared to the rest of the country. how much did your last tank of
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gas cost? the average price per gallon in california is $4.13. the national average is $2.64. alicia williams is paying $4.29 in oakland. >> there should be an audit, definitely. why are the prices continuing skyrocketing? >> reporter: that is what the governor wants, too. an analysis by the state energy commission said californians are paying an average of $.30 more per gallon at major gas retailers compared to the rest of the country. the governor asked the california's ag office to investigate if big oil companies are misleading and overcharging customers. >> these gas prices are much too high and it doesn't make sense when you assess even california's overlays of unique obligations. >> reporter: even while factoring in the 2017 gas tax and the extra environmental cost, the commission found the reason for the higher prices is
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simply because places like shell, 76 and chevron are charging more here. the report also says prices are higher at namebrand stations claiming to sell higher-quality gas even though there is no apparent difference from other retailers. >> don't go to the branded gas stations. you are not getting anything more. >> reporter: the letter asked the ag to investigate if false advertising or price fixing our factors. the commission did not have evidence. the western petroleum association, a trade group for oil companies in california said it is reviewing the report and it is important to note that the numbers show the state regulatory environment plays a big role in the ever-increasing affordability challenges californians face. despite the higher price tag a report found californians are still going to namebrand stations likely because of convenience, credit card acceptance or other reasons. the ag's office said it would
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handle this accordingly. greg lee, ktvu fox 2 news. coming up at 4:30 pm on ktvu plus we are going to talk with the executive director of the energy institute at uc berkeley to learn more about this gas price investigation. coming up on the four, a fire near a school in santa rosa and three campuses were put on lockdown. we will have an update and a possible motive. the high profile crime in chinatown caught on camera. we will tell you about the arrest that happened this morning. that story is coming up.
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san francisco police announced a major break in a violent assault case in the cities chinatown. christien kafton is live in san francisco. the incident was caught on security camera video and the images help in this investigation. >> reporter: a man knocked to the ground on camera. his friend to try to come to his aid also be in up. there's word of an arrest and ktvu cameras were there moments after the arrest went down. the images are hard to forget. three suspects robbing and assaulting a man, pulling his rolex off his wrist in broad daylight. a friend who ran to his aid also punched in the face and knocked to the ground. all of this happening in mid july. san francisco police say using video evidence they were able to identify one suspect and
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execute an early-morning warrant to take sean pearson into custody. >> the individual is a 19-year- old resident from oakland. he has a violent history and we were able to make an identification on him and we had probable cause to make the arrest. >> reporter: the case shocked chinatown. we spoke with the victims after the attack. >> he came behind me and through me on the ground. at that time i was unconscious. >> reporter: following the brutal attack and robbery, police say they worked hard to bring resources to the neighborhood to make sure residents and visitors feel safe. >> since then we stepped up our efforts, increased our patrol hours in terms of our foot to beat. i want people to come and patronize in chinatown. >> reporter: police are telling us that two suspects are still outstanding and they want
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everyone to take a careful look at the video and photos. those suspects should be considered dangerous. live in san francisco, ktvu fox 2 news. now to the east bay, civil rights advocates and families who have lost loved ones inside the santa rita jail are calling for an audit of the alameda county sheriff's office. >> these people killed my son and they are not being responsible about it. the district attorney has not even filed charges against these people. >> the group rallied outside the sheriff's office today. this all comes after a ktvu investigation found at least 40 inmates died at the dublin facility since january 2014. organizers say they want the board of supervisors to do a full independent financial and performance audit of the sheriff's office. sheriff's spokesperson said the office is open today. there were some tense moments for a lot of students, teachers and families in santa
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rosa when gunfire broke out near the campus of ridgeway high school before 9 am. one student is in the hospital and another is in jail. tom vacar live this afternoon at ridgeway with what happened and also more on a possible motive. >> reporter: i think it is fare to say here today that a lot of people felt the cold grip of fear. that is putting it mildly. when shots rang out everyone was told take cover. a 17-year-old ridgewood high school student is in custody on attempted murder charges for shooting a 16-year-old student here in santa rosa. something police described as an isolated act. ridgeway, santa rosa high school and santa rosa junior college all of which are near each other replaced on lockdown. a midmorning incident resulted in a massive response from santa rosa police, sonoma deputy sheriff and s.w.a.t.
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teams. frantic parents and family rushed to the school desperate to find their children. >> i have two kids. you don't know what to expect anymore. i don't know how to explain it right now. it is crazy what this world has come to. we met my granddaughter text me right away that they were on lockdown. >> reporter: what you make of this? >> scary. with all the shootings in school , i put the baby in the car and we jammed right over here. >> reporter: a 16-year-old student who had apparently been arguing with the 17-year-old got shot in the upper body and is in stable condition in the hospital. two hours after it began, the students were allowed to leave the school many running into their parent's arms happy to be out of the situation but surprisingly calm. >> at first it was gary because we saw a lot of police coming
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in looking for somebody. but afterwards i was fine. >> reporter: police continue to look for another student who apparently has possession of a handgun which was placed in a backpack. >> the shooter handed the gun to another individual and the individual left of the school campus with that firearm. >> reporter: one student told me that he thought he knew who the people were and he thought that this was some issue between two gangs. the police will not confirm that. there's a lot of reason to be shaky around here. last may ridgeway's graduation was interrupted when a 15-year- old student was caught with a bb gun that he brought to the school next door thinking that was a good idea. everyone here was locked down, too. hyundai car, ktvu fox 2 news. -- tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. willie brown has died and was 78 years old. the cause of his death has not been revealed. he became a raider in 1967
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after spending four years with the denver broncos. he helped to revolutionize the way the cornerback position was played through bump and grind man-to-man coverage. he intercepted a pass during the raiders super bowl victory in the 1977 season. his thrilling return and bill king's call of old man willie became an iconic moment in bay area sports. it makes some bart riders uncomfortable and now the transit agency can legally ban panhandling and performers. in weather we are approaching the end of october and we are talking about lots of sunshine, temperatures in the 80s and 90s and high fire danger. we will have your full forecast coming up.
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city crews in oakland are working to clear out a long- standing homeless encampment in the fruitville neighborhood. that camp is located near a home depot store close to interstate 80. crews arrived this morning with garbage trucks, shovels and brooms. this area has become unsafe and is a fire hazard because of all the trash, built-up debris and makeshift wooden structures. >> i understand it in a sense that it is about the area looking a certain way.
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i get that. i also understand because i live here and it is hard to keep the area a certain way if we don't have services. >> crews will be clearing out the area into next week. city officials say they are planning to close the camp by the end of this year. barks board of directors will decide whether to move forward with banning panhandling and performers now that the transit agency's lawyers say the move is legal. attorneys have been startling studying the issue and whether the band would violate the first amendment. in order to avoid infringing on those rights they can place restrictions on trains and platforms. places where people have paid to enter. bart riders that we talked with have mixed feelings. >> as riders of bart we are caught in the middle because you don't want to be in compassionate. at the same time you have things to do. you have to be somewhere. >> i think it is a big problem.
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i don't have to come into the city every day on bart. but when i do there are a lot of people panhandling. it would be easier if they weren't there. hard to say no and turn them away but it is kind of a distraction. >> the full bart board will hear the analysis on the team of lawyers on this issue coming up at its meeting on thursday. we are dialing up those temperatures all across the bay area as we give you a live look here across the san francisco skyline. we are seeing a midweek warm-up and that will be coupled with some stronger winds that will be arriving over the next couple of days. a big concern when you talk about fire. >> when you think about each heat up and each offshore wind event it has dried out the brush. we are still in the peak of fire season and we have another round of gusty offshore winds in place. two weeks ago we were talking about high fire danger, another red flag fire morning kicks in
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tomorrow in the north bay, the east bay in the santa cruz mountains. winds could be topping 40 miles an hour in temperatures at the surface 80s and a few low 90s and very dry. we could be talking about single-digit relative humidity levels. take a look at the overall temperature trend. that curve is setting the stage for the hottest day of the week. we are not expecting any major cool downs until possibly day five as we head into the weekend. here you can see big circulation out here in the pacific. that is an area of high pressure setting things up and not as the mechanism for the warming today. also those winds are to increase out of the north. typically with a pattern like this, places like santa rosa usually one of the warmest areas of the bay area and it is because of all the topography. once the air comes from the north and down these health that air sinks and warms and that is why santa rosa could be approaching easily the lower 90s over the next couple of days. here you can see current numbers, santa rosa 90 degrees. concorde 86.
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san francisco checking in at 79 degrees. live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge still in the clear. plan on another very warm to hot day across the entire bay area for tomorrow. tomorrow will be one of the hottest days. thursday temperatures are approaching the lower 90s. winds gusting to over 30 miles per hour. we talked about it earlier. maybe for the highest peaks in the north bay we could have guessed over 50 miles an hour and relative humidity around 5- 10%. we will start out tomorrow morning in the 50s. you can see the main reason we are tracking the heat and the wind event. the storm is heading to the east of the bay area. that coupled with the area of high pressure offshore sets up that gusty wind event and the hot weather pattern. cloud cover is completely out of here. lots of sunshine over the next few days. maybe a few extra clouds as we head through the weekend. take a look at these numbers. lots of 80s for tomorrow and a
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few spots around 90 degrees. tomorrow not a big temperature change from today. thursday will be the hottest day of the week and we are not expecting any major cooling until possibly the second half of the weekend. the heat will stick around for the weekend. we are going to head on over to ktvu plus to continue our newscast which is more on facebook's pledge of $1 million to address the safe housing crisis. here up next is game one of the world series between the washington nationals in the houston astros. live coverage from minute maid park in houston up next.
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>> here we are. after so much anticipation and drama, this is it. two teams on the verge of greatness. a team built for this moment. the other rises to meet the moment. >> altuve has just sent the astros to the world series! >> there it is, the washington nationals are national league champions! >> now, the journey has brought


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